
Brewery company feeds local community

On Wednesday, 08 March 2023, Castle Lager in partnership with SA Harvest launched the Bread-of-The-Nation initiative at Eikenhof, South of Johannesburg.

One of South Africa’s biggest beer brewers, Castle Lager has launched a first-of-its-kind innovative initiative that will repurpose the by-products used to brew their beers to produce approximately 30 000 loaves for South African communities.

This initiative forms part of the brand’s Better World Programme. It contributes to the South African Breweries and Castle Lager’s zero-waste initiative, aiming at reducing carbon emissions and the impact of operations on the environment.

Thomas Lawrence, Castle Lager’s Brand Manager said this initiative is not a once-off thing but it will be consistent.

“We have partnered with organisations that will make sure that people are catered for, not only now but consistently,” stated Lawrence.

Mahadi Madike, a community member embraced her gratitude for this initiative.

“We are grateful to have received something to eat, it is not all the time that big brands come to small communities and look out for them,” said Madike.

“As much as we are grateful, we would also appreciate working opportunities or programmes that will allow us to work for our next plate of food”, she added.

Alan Browde, CEO and founder of SA Harvest comments: “Over 20 million people in South Africa are classified as food vulnerable, while 10,3 million tonnes of food goes to waste every year.

“This initiative by SAB to utilise a by-product – something that would ordinarily be viewed as waste and end up contributing to climate change – and transform it into a nutritious means of feeding those in desperate need, is an example of the kind of innovation, it will take to solve hunger in South Africa,” he added.

Browde further mentioned that they are delighted to partner with an organisation that shares their vision for reducing the environmental impact of food waste, and delivering nourishing food to the most vulnerable in our society.

By Simphiwe Khumalo

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