
DA congratulates IEB matrics outstanding 98,42 pass rate

The DA wishes to congratulate the matrics who wrote their Independent Examination Board (IEB) National Senior Certificate examinations on their outstanding pass rate of 98.42%.

Given the challenges of Covid-19 and the impact of the lockdowns on continuous quality education, the IEB matriculants should be incredibly proud of themselves.

More than 13 500 learners wrote the IEB exam in 2022, with 98.41% qualifying for higher education. 89.32% achieved a Bachelor’s degree pass.

Given last year’s real National Senior Certificate (NSC) pass rate of only 51.4%, it is clear that the Department of Basic Education (DBE) could learn some valuable lessons from the IEB.

South Africa’s public schools desperately needs to address the shortage of teachers specialising in STEM subject – science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The curriculum also needs to increase focus on preparing learners for the reality of the South African economy by fostering entrepreneurial skills and introducing subjects that will allow them to become productive members of society.

It is imperative that the Department ensures that every teacher in South Africa has the necessary skills to provide learners with a quality education. The continuous professional development of educators and the monitoring of quality of education cannot be understated. The DA’s suggestion of an independent school monitoring evaluation authority to evaluate and monitor teachers will assist in providing learners with the quality education they all deserve. From their results, it is clear that the IEB matriculants have bright futures ahead. We wish the NSC matriculants good luck for their results tomorrow.

By Baxolile ‘Bax’ Nodada MP – DA Shadow Minister of Basic Education

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