
Fafi immensely preferred by Township dwellers

Fafi also known as ‘mo-china’ is a form of betting played mainly by black South African women and men, particularly those living in South African Townships. History reveals that it was established by Chinese immigrants in South Africa.

In a quiet corner of Mafuyeka and Mswati an area in Tsakane, Fafi players anxiously wait for the Fafi bakkie holding their bags filled with betting lucky numbers. Players bet on numbers from 1 up until 36, that correspond with a particular image derived from dream that the Fafi player had. These images represent ordinary things like shoes, eggs, cats, cars and birds flying to more puzzling ones like dead woman, burning fire, thieves and drunkards.

One of the players alluded to Ekurhuleni news on how it has helped her buy grocery for her kids and moreover to buy things for her home, “People always think that we play only for fun but it’s not just that, we play to make money so we can feed our families.” Sonto expressed with a smile. Fafi is played all over South Africa and it was introduced by Chinese immigrants.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic started, the players and the establishers of the game are adhering to the regulations imposed by the South African government; they are always wearing masks, sanitising and complying with the 1.5m social distance rule. “We follow the regulations put in place by our South African president and if one of our member is not wearing a mask, we dont allow him/her to play. We all know how risky it is not to wear a mask or sanitise, so we always implement the safety measures,” added baba Maseko.

Players of Fafi emphasise how important it is for them to interpret their own dreams as well as knowing the patterns of their winning numbers and they diligently jot them down in their notebooks. Although they don’t make a lot of money, they buy what they need after winning and leave the rest of the money to bet the following day.

By Zoleka Batsha

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