
African natural hair beautifying products manufactured in Tsakane

Ntokozo Mahlaola is a 23-year-old young woman from Tsakane who owns a hair product brand called ‘Nurture Your Crown SA’. Her range of products are made from natural ingredients and they include hair sprays, castor oil serums, Shea butters, conditioners and shampoos.

The young entrepreneur expresses that she has always loved and embraced her natural hair hence she found it easy and enjoyable to sell her own hair products. She had already been in the hair business by selling wigs and she already had a clientele. “Being in control of my lifestyle, schedule and being a boss inspired me. I love my natural hair so much and seeing how everyone reacted when they saw me with my natural hair and asking questions as to what hair products I use gave me an idea to start my own hair range. I launched my hair product business in October 2020; however, I changed the packaging and added a new range of products. I launched the products in April 2021 and I’m a proud sole owner of ‘Nurture Your Crown SA’. I’m hopeful that I’ll someday, soon enough, work with big names like Portia M,” added Mahlaola. She also mentions that her products don’t only cater for females, but for men too. Her target market is between the ages of 8 to 45 years.

Mahlaola states the challenges she faced as her own boss. She says that although she has sold wigs before and had a good clientele; she struggled with market penetration, promoting the product, being new in the manufacturing industry and convincing clients that the products work indeed. “This was my first time creating a product from scratch so I had to rely a lot on my client’s testimonies in order for other clients to believe in my products. This is how enormous clients got the confidence of purchasing our products. I appreciate the support I get, especially on social media platforms. I pray that our products will be in every household and even in salons, being regarded as one of the best hair care products for both genders in five years from now,” the businesswoman expressed proudly.

Ntokozo tells the newspaper just how she puts all her efforts in ensuring that her business is taken seriously and it succeeds. “My products aren’t only organics but my packaging is beautiful and strong. It has instructions and directions written at the back. I’ve also discovered that a lot of testimonies attest that our products are good with growing hairlines. In conclusion, I’d advise people to take their business seriously too. Research about the needs of people and come up with that product that will provide those needs. Remember that business money is not your money, focus on growing your business and let your work speak for itself,” uttered Mahlaola.

By Palesa Ndinisa

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