
Operation Kgutla Molao to address school safety

The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) has launched the “Operation Kgutla Molao” School Safety Programme to curb violence and gangsterism in and around schools in the province.

The Programme will address issues like violence, sexual harassment, bullying, and the carrying of weapons and illegal substances whilst ensuring that the majority of schools are relatively stable, peaceful and disruption-free.

Speaking at Qalabotjha Secondary School in Vlakfontein, MEC Matome Chiloane expressed concern over incidences of violent crime in schools as they disrupt learning and teaching, leaving victims emotionally and physically hurt, families traumatised, and in some instances, can lead to loss of lives.  

“These are acts that are unwelcome at our schools and should be widely condemned even beyond our institutions. We have developed Operation Kgutla Molao to safeguard the well-being and future of learners from destructive behaviour and social ills.

“With integrated support from various law enforcement and community safety structures, we will be able to diminish acts of misconduct and pave the way to focus on providing effective learning and teaching at schools across the province,” said MEC Chiloane.

Chiloane said that the school safety programme will encompass a few interventions, amongst those would be regular random search and seizure, camera installations, and suspending learners involved in violence or sexual harassment. It will also take disciplinary action against educators and non-educator staff alleged to be involved in sexual harassment or violence as well as meeting with community stakeholders on issues of school safety and protests that also disrupt learning and education.

“The police have played a critical role in quelling incidents of violence, arresting the perpetrators, and conducting raids in schools to search for weapons and illegal substances.

“For that, the GDE is eternally grateful. However, once the culprit is apprehended, it is the task of the criminal justice system to prosecute and jail those that have been found guilty,” he said.

Furthermore, beyond the reactive measures, there will be a deployment of 5 000 patrollers to schools in the townships in collaboration with the Gauteng Department of Community Safety and Community Policing Forum to assist with access control. The patrollers will be provided with E-Panic buttons. 

From Lenasia Police Station, Colonel S Mogwe said, “from the police side, we are making a commitment that we will adopt the school. We have launched a youth desk at the police station, we will introduce them to you so that we work together from now on.”

By ​Thembisa Shologu

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