
SANCA clinic helmed a successful prevention and awareness drive

Daveyton’s SANCA horizon clinic in partnership with the African Youth Development Fund (AYFD) and Department of Social Development (DSD) educated the community with their #KeMoja I’m Fine Without Drugs initiative.

The purpose of the campaign was to raise awareness about the effects of drugs and to encourage them to refrain from using substances.

For the effectiveness of the project, SANCA invited all the non-profit organisations around Daveyton that deal with substance abuse to partake in the event. In addition, they invited learners from Usizolwethu Special School and the Daveyton Intermediate school to be part of the sports activities that were held on that day.“We are doing it for Ekurhuleni and for all our KeMoja coaches from the Ekurhuleni regions namely, Tembisa, Katlehong, and Boksburg. We are here to do sports activities while demonstrating that you can enjoy life without using drugs,” explained Daveyton’s SANCA Horizon satellite manager, Fraser Masombuka.

Masombuka said they have decided to do this programme in Daveyton because of the increasing number of addicts in the area and their main purpose was to educate while entertaining the attendees.

One of the guest speakers from SDS, Lehlohonolo Sekgobela mentioned that in this kind of programmes emphasis should be on prevention of substance abuse than cure. Before you put your mind to something you need to think of the repercussions. The addiction counsellor and sponsor shared his story on how he fell into the trap of drugs. For him, it all started with one line and then he became addicted.

“It started off as something innocent, it was fun and all the boys were doing it and in no time I found myself sucked into it on a full-time basis. Hence I am saying if I have made the decision earlier that I will not be friends with drugs I would be in a better position, I was hooked for 12 years.

“Drugs are a serious problem and they mostly affect the fragile minds of the young people, they are still trying to figure themselves out and the world they live in,” said Sekgobela.

He further explained that they do not want to encourage children to even start using drugs nor to experiment with drugs because once they start using them everything becomes compromised. Sekgobela is currently leading the Narcotics Anonymous programme where they help recovering addicts to get on their feet.

He mentioned that becoming an addict starts with you wanting to get affirmation from people and to fit in.

The family man wrapped up the programme by saying that any drug addict who seeks help can contact him on: 067 776 2258.

One of the learners who were part of the initiative told Ekurhuleni News that they were very happy to take part and she wishes that SANCA can have other programmes like this one.

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