
Solutions to Fight Crime in Townships

Crime in South Africa is at its peak with murders remaining high at 1.4% increase in 2019/20, to 21 325 reported cases which works out to 58 people murdered in the country every day according to SAPS stats.

In response to these crisis the Impact Security which is an armed response has come up with a solution to work hand in hand with police officers to neutralise crime in the townships. Impact Security response is a black owned company based in Benoni commissioned to fight crime and domestic violence.

It aims to neutralise crime in the streets and ensure that residents of Ekurhuleni live without fear in their households. The armed response was launch in Daveyton on Saturday where they had meetings with various communities to provide solutions to crime as part of their manifesto.

Their solutions include “patrolling day and night, security sign placement, free alarm system installation, vehicle arm responding, monthly monitoring report generation and issuing, Security officer will be present when family not around” and many other services.

However, the armed response is also dedicated to neutralise the unemployment crisis by employing 20 security officer (men and women) from every community that use their services. These security officers are trained by Impact Security for free and awarded with PSiRA regulated certificates.

“The community shouldn’t worry because these newly recruited security officers won’t be placed in their own communities but rather in other respective communities for safety reasons,” said an executive member of Impact armed response Pertunia.

Furthermore, for quick response Impact Security aims to have a controlling room stationed within every community to avoid arriving late when there is an emergency. The Daveyton community have embraced and signed up for their services at R285 p/m and they are relieved to know someone will be guarding their households 24/7.

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