

Shaping and equipping the youth for a more resilient future

Sport has a significant role to play in a community’s culture, economy and education. In underprivileged sectors, the provision of recreational activities can have enormous benefits in making youth more resilient to crime, drug use and violence. Besides the physical benefits, community sporting programmes can aid social, emotional and mental development, teach the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship and give the youth a sense of hope and belonging.

MAMAS Alliance is a CSI agency through which corporates can channel their CSI spend at no additional cost to better the lives of our children and youth. MAMAS Alliance has long realised the importance of providing avenues and programmes that allow children to cultivate their talents while also providing them with opportunities to experience new and enjoyable experiences.

Aligned with their mission to empower underprivileged communities, MAMAS Alliance partners with organisations such as Inspire Youth and Children, Children of the Dawn and Ubuntu4All. These are just 3 of the 33 well-established local and regional organisations that work across more than 75 sites in South Africa focussing on providing children with a better future.

Children of the Dawn is a Non-Profit Organisation working to support and strengthen rural community initiatives which focus on caring for HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa. Besides providing daily and practical care during their school years, the organisation provides healthy food, after-school care and fun activities such as skipping and hiking.

“MAMAS Alliance has been an unwavering form of support to Children of the Dawn particularly when it comes to securing support and funding. We commend their support during Covid-19 for assisting us with food security, psychological support, financial support and strategic support,” says a spokesperson for the organisation.

“MAMAS Alliance has supported Children of the Dawn in bridging the gaps between them and corporate donors. Throughout our partnership, we have benefited greatly from the CSI funding we have received through the years and thank them for their support and commitment to Children of the Dawn throughout the years.”

Based in the informal settlement of Imizamo Yethu in Hout Bay, Cape Town, Ubuntu4All facilitates and creates social, remedial and community-based projects in the schools and surroundings.

“When you think of the word ‘sports’ you most likely think of the basics which include netball, basketball, rugby and soccer. For us, at Ubuntu4All EASP, we think of all the benefits one receives while playing sports. Sports can be used as a beacon of hope for school children involved in gangsterism and oppressed by negative social and environmental factors, especially those in economically oppressed communities,” comments a Ubuntu4All spokesperson.

At Inspire Youth and Children, a haven for children who receive a daily meal, get homework assistance, play, learn and have fun, JUDO is seen as much more than a sport, giving rural farm children and teenagers something to hold onto on days where everything else works against them.

Mama Ingrid, a lead at Inspire, is an experienced Judoka, who provides children and teens with Judo lessons to teach them discipline, respect and structure. JUDO is one of our most effective ways to have a safe space in which children can help to channel their emotions, control their anger and learn respect, self-discipline and confidence.

Through education, food, clothing, protection, medical care as well as sport and recreation, the MAMAS Alliance partners work together towards a common vision: to offer daily care to thousands of children in South Africa. Through this platform, corporates and donors have the opportunity to select the activity and focus area best suited to help achieve their CSI objectives, while helping to give these children a better future.

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