
Make extra cash by being a runner

Two skilled Daveyton youngsters Thabo Mahlase and Justice Mlangeni are looking for young people who want to make extra cash and become runners.

The two ambitious men have launched an Android application package (APK) called SendMe, which allows people to request their errands to be done at an affordable price through the App.

“We are looking for people who will work with us as we will be expanding our business. Interested beings will get to make extra cash by completing errands, such as a carwash, shopping, gardening and domestic work, which will be requested through the App,” said the CEO and founder, Thabo Mahlase.

He mentioned that all interested applicants will be evaluated for safety reasons.

The APK kicked off on November 15, 2020, after Mahlase got help from a friend who actually helped him to start the business and ever since then the business has been doing great.

“I started washing the first car in August last year and I pushed for a while using the WhatsApp business account up until we finally launched the APK in November.”

Mahlase told Ekurhuleni News that the idea came to him while he was in College and as went through a phase of being broke but he realised he can do things with his hands after he witnessed how many people go door to door looking for odd jobs, and as a student, he also needed some extra cash, hence he also decided to do odd jobs.

“The deeper we got into the problem we actually noticed that South Africa has a huge structural problem of unemployment, people have wrong skills for the wrong jobs and we look at the different dynamic solutions and figured that let’s build a platform which would be convenient for people,” he said.

Co-founder Justice Mlangeni added that they are also trying to solve problems by using techniques that are used in the suburbs to solve their problems.

“We are trying to create chat boards, the technology will permit people to interact with the people around their area, I am a tech guy so how I use technology to solve problems won’t be the same for other people,” he explained.

On the 1st of December, the team will be expanding across the Eastrand and he hopes that early next year they will be testing it out in CapeTown.

To become a runner, send a WhatsApp message to 060 741 3156 or email or register on their website (

Simphiwe Nkosi

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kasi D