
Progress toward a professional, efficient public service sector.

Lots of important things have happened this past week to make the government work better and smarter. These changes are super important for making our country stronger and for making sure that the bad stuff that happened before doesn’t happen again.

The big bosses in Parliament agreed on two new laws to make the government work better. These laws will help to keep everyone accountable and make things run smoother. Now, they’re going to the next level of government to check them out.

Also, the Department of Public Service and Administration put out a new rulebook for government departments. This book tells them how to make sure everyone working for the government is top-notch. It’s a big deal because it’s going to make sure that the government does its job properly.

One thing this rulebook says is that only the best people can get the top jobs in government. They have to go through special training to prove they’re up for it. They’ll also have to do tests to show they know how to do the job right and that they’re honest.

All new workers will have to go through training too. And every five years, the old-timers will have to go through a refresher course to keep them sharp.

The government is also planning to spend some money on training its workers. They want to make sure everyone’s always learning and getting better at their jobs.

Last year, they started checking what skills the government workers need most. They found out that some departments need more training in certain areas, like building things and taking care of the environment. This info is going to help them plan how to make things better.

Another important thing they’re doing is making it easier for young people to join the government. You don’t need a ton of experience to start at the bottom anymore. But you’ll still get help and training along the way.

The new laws also make it clear that politicians can’t boss around government workers. Each one has their own job to do, and they should stick to it. This will stop any funny business like we’ve seen before.

They’re also making sure that if someone leaves their job in the government, they can’t just go work for a company they gave contracts to. That’s a big no-no, and they could get in big trouble for it.

To keep an eye on things, they’ve set up a list of everyone who’s been fired or quit while they were in trouble. They’re going to share this list with all the government offices so they don’t hire anyone who’s been naughty before.

All these changes are going to make the government work better. They’ll stop people from doing bad things and make sure everyone does their job properly. And that’s going to help us all in the end.

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