
R350 recipients permitted to change payment method

SASSA confirmed the bank account method as the most convenient and quickest way to receive the social relief grant payout.

Applicants of the COVID-19 social relief of distress grant can change their method of payment, they can easily provide their banking details for the grant money to be paid into their bank account rather than queuing at the post office.

People who have applied for the payment through their bank accounts have already received their social relief grant and they hailed praises to the method saying that it is indeed convenient and it is a better way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This has left other grant recipients wondering if they will ever get paid because they are still relying on the post office system of payment.

Sebenzile Sibanyoni applied to be paid through the post office, she said that the reason she did not use her bank account was because of the bank charges and the R50 that must be paid upfront when opening a bank account.

“I would rather wait on these long queues at the post office and make sure that I adhere to the social distance rule and wear my mask at all times,” said Sebenzile.

The post office does not pay the SRD grant during the time when they are paying out the social grant for pensioners, disable people and children. However, those who have provided their own bank accounts, receive the SRD grant at any time.

“I have received my first payment of the SRD grant and I was able to buy myself food, but on my next payment, I will buy myself something nice to wear for my job interviews. I must say that having a bank account is convenient and a smarter way to get your money quicker,” said a 42 year old man from Duduza.

By Zoleka Batsha

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