
SANRAL shares employment opportunities with the community

On Thursday, the 13th of October 2022, The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited had an engagement session with the Ekurhuleni residents at Kempton Park Civic Centre.

The stakeholder engagement session aimed to empower members of the community and emerged SMMEs with knowledge regarding opportunities available from their upcoming project. The R300 million partial reconstruction of the R21 national road Section 1 from Pomona interchange to Olisfantsfontein interchange and other major SANRAL projects in the Metro.

The project managers were part of the discussion to answer all questions posed by the audience regarding sub-contracting opportunities currently advertised for targeted enterprises in the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and employment opportunities available for members of the community.

“The SANRAL road network creates jobs for local municipalities and subcontracting opportunities for targeted local businesses across South Africa,” said Thabiso Senatla.

During the construction stage of the project, work packages will be identified and subcontracted in line with the employer’s requirements for targeted enterprise utilization and development. The process will be conducted under the auspice of the project liaison committee, which has been established by the Routine Road Maintenance project to represent the project stakeholders and the communities affected by the project.

Lischen Ndlovu from the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) rolled out who should register and who shouldn’t for the CIDB registers.

“Construction companies who can undertake construction contracts and who wish to tender for public construction contracts can register, then home builders are exempt from registration provided that they only undertake the construction of homes,” she said.

Entities will need to meet the following criteria for entrance on the programme:

• Registration with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC),• CIDB registration – Grades 1 to 4 CE (Note: active membership),

• SARS tax compliance,• Compliance with the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COID),

• An EME or QSE which is at least 51% owned by black persons, and Registered on the Central Supplier Database (CSD) of the National Treasury,

• Proof of highest school qualification (Certificate or letter on schools’ letterhead). The owner may nominate a person to attend training on the company’s behalf – a contract of employment forthe nominated person must accompany the application.

• Letter of authority to nominate the person on behalf of the company, Proof of residence of the owner of the business,

• Letter of commitment to attend the training for the 10 -15 day period. SMME enterprises whose representative does not have a matric certificate in mathematics or mathematics literacy will undergo a mathematical assessment for enrolment on the programme.

By Simphiwe Nkosi

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