
The City commits to fight substance abuse

The City of Ekurhuleni’s Executive Mayor Ald. Tania Campbell launched the Local Drug Action Committee (LDAC) at the Germiston Banquet Hall on Friday, 29 April.

The programme aims to ease substance abuse in the communities and help families in dealing with drug abuse, the launch drive renewed the energy that will enable to make an impact within communities.

As one of the opening statements Cllr. Raymond Dhlamini who was the programme director said, “ladies and gentlemen this programme is done out of love and not about media or good publicity”.

Several officials and stakeholders were drawn to this initiative to support the vision of the LDAC launch, this included DR Gilbert Motlatla who is the head of the department in health and social development, the acting MMC for Health, Social Development, and Sport Heritage Recreation Arts and Culture Cllr Dino Peterson.

Dr Motlatla said, “As the department, we will ensure to provide the necessary support to the project”.

The Mayor appointed the Local Drug Action Committee by handing over the appointment letter and outlined the roles of the newly appointed committee which include:

-Drawing up its action plan to tackle the drug problem in its area of jurisdiction in collaboration with provincial departments.

– Ensuring that the drug control action plan fits into the local integrated development plan (IDP).

-Implementing its action plan (mini-drug master plan) Reporting regularly to its secretariat on its actions, progress, problems, and drug-related events in its area.

-Providing any information, the CDA may require from time to time through the regional and provincial substance abuse forums.

-Providing, through the regional and provincial substance abuse forums, annual reports to the CDA.

Before the mayor did her walk-about exhibit which was outside the Banquet hall she then closed her speech by emphasizing that work should be done with tenacity and much care to ensure that all struggling families with drug and substance abuse problems are fully supported.

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